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Fair processing notice – JUYI (Joining Up Your Information)

How we use your information

What is JUYI?

JUYI is the new confidential and secure integrated digital care record developed for Gloucestershire that includes health and social care information for patients registered in the county.

What is the purpose of JUYI?

Currently, every health and social care organisation holds their own set of patient records. Information in these different records may be duplicated or even incomplete. JUYI brings data from the different health and social care partner organisations in Gloucestershire together, so that a complete overview of health and social care information can be viewed. JUYI records are read only and data cannot be edited within JUYI.

The information will be used by authorised health and social care professionals to provide patients with safer, more consistent care, as quickly as possible, whether they are in hospital, at a GP surgery or any other place where care is accessed.

What information is in JUYI?

The creation of JUYI is a continual process. Users and data from the participating organisations in Gloucestershire will be added in stages following the initial ‘go-live’. Essentially, more data fields will be populated and more users added over time, as part of the journey making JUYI as beneficial as possible to patients and care professionals. Initially only health data will be shared, social care data will be shared in future versions. The data sets currently shared are detailed on the JUYI website.

Information included in the initial version of JUYI:

  • NHS number to ensure we are linking the right information to the right person
  • Demographics (Patient name, DOB, Gender, Address, telephone number)
  • Name of practice including usual GP and registered GP
  • A comprehensive record of patient conditions and diagnoses
  • Test results (e.g. blood tests, allergy tests, blood pressure) to speed up treatment, care and prevent duplication
  • Hospital referrals, admissions and clinic information
  • Hospital discharge and visit information (including dates, locations and personnel)
  • Allergies in relation to food, environment and medication
  • Medications (current and historical) and medication issues
  • Procedures (Operations, Vaccination/Immunisations)

JUYI will not include sensitive information relating to sexual health, termination of pregnancy, HIV status or fertility treatment.

Information to be included in future versions of JUYI:

  • Appointment dates and time
  • X-rays
  • Structured social care data including appointments and scheduling

How is the information used?

The information held in JUYI is regularly uploaded from care providers and presented in a chronological order so that care providers can see a relevant history of care. Care providers will always update their own care records with any new information. Having an overview of health and social care information helps them to make more informed decisions about the care they provide.

Patient information within JUYI is stored in a secure database in England unless a patient has objected, is no longer registered with a Gloucestershire GP, or has died. Clinical information is then deleted within seven days, except for the audit trail of access to JUYI which will be retained for 10 years.

JUYI is supplied by Kainos as part of their Evolve system and they are acting as the data processor.

The organisations currently participating in JUYI, and acting as joint data controllers are:

  • NHS Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group
  • Gloucestershire GPs
  • Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
  • Gloucestershire Care Services NHS Trust
  • 2gether NHS Foundation Trust
  • South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust
  • Gloucestershire County Council (Social Care)
  • These organisations are providing and viewing information but not acting as joint data controllers:
  • Care UK
  • Tetbury Hospital (Minor Injuries Unit)

You can object to sharing your information electronically using JUYI; however, this may result in delayed or sub-optimal care, particularly if you are incapacitated.
You can check or change your preference for sharing at any time by talking to your GP practice. Your preference is stored by adding a code to your GP record.

Access to your information

Who can see my JUYI record?

Only health and social care professionals involved in a patient’s care will be able to see their JUYI record. This includes doctors, nurses, and social workers. These professionals will only see the information they need to in order to provide the patient with care.

All access attempts to the patient’s record are logged. Details of the health or social care professional will be recorded and may be checked to ensure that the access was appropriate. Patient data will not be shared with anyone who is not providing the patient with treatment, care or support, or authorised persons involved in the management of the system.

This means that patient data will not be made public or passed on to any third party not directly involved in their care.

Can patients access their own JUYI record?

Yes, under the Data Protection Act (1998) patients can request access to all information that organisations hold about them, including copies of paper and electronic health and social care records, as well as who has accessed their JUYI record.

Contact your care provider to request access to your health or social care records or contact the JUYI team for information about what is included in and who has accessed your JUYI record.

Will patients only have one care record now?

No, each partner organisation will continue to add information to their patient records. JUYI allows relevant information to be viewed collectively from these records.

Page published: 17 July 2024
Last updated: 17 July 2024